Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 Tour - Day 1 We're off on our first day of tour!

We were only delayed 30 minutes during our departure, and driving was smooth. We had bag lunches at City "Park" in Harrisburg PA. Only 2 people forgot to bring their lunches! Mrs. Bowe threatened to make us wear her goofy (ugly) hat if we got sunburned, so most of us are highly motivated to use sunscreen (really, we're not even sure why anyone would wear that hat!). The newbies among us were amazed at how tired one can get just riding on a bus. Cameron discovered the wireless microphone on the silver bus, and now he can make announcements while wandering the aisle. The jury is out about this is good news or bad news for the silver bus riders ;).

When we got to Lycoming College in Williamsport PA, Walt's son Chip made us feel at home. We got to tour the campus of this small liberal arts school, kick around soccer balls and throw frisbees. They fed us pizza & wings for dinner, and since lunch was a long time ago some of the chaperones mentioned "horde of locusts" while they were waiting their turn in the food line.

Our first concert on tour was FABULOUS! We sounded even better than this past Sunday. The audience was treated to something we didn't play on Sunday, a violin trio piece played by the Mansfield sisters & Judith Tsoi. Everyone is in the dorms or host homes now, although the dorms are not quiet yet. We'll check in again tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who is praying for us.

Click Here for Pictures of Day 1

Click Here to Listen to Hallelujah He Shall Rise on YouTube