Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Zombies and Shopping

Day 6
      Act 6:

And now for something completely different. 

The scene was set for Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, but due to the forest fires an impromptu decision was made to deviate from the aforementioned plan and head to nearby Manitou Springs for s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g, shopping!  Everybody with the exception of the adult males was thrilled.  This nearby, eclectic, town boasted an old western main street feel outfitted with a variety of shops and eating establishments enjoyed by all. 

It just so happened that the first encounter with Manitou Springs once we disembarked from the buses was the town’s Zombie crawl.  This is a serious event in Manitou Springs.  3 to 4 blocks of Zombies were seen walking in a single file line down the main street.  Cathy D relayed that from a distance she thought that these people really had scars and blood only to realize, upon closer inspection, that it was stage make-up. What made it so realistic was that they were moaning, groaning, howling and growling.  Some were dragging their legs; some with arms outstretched. And some of the younger boys were actually dragging themselves up the street and hissing at the onlookers.  Bizarre and weird are the words most commonly used to describe the scene.

The beautiful June day was perfect for a wedding.  Perfect, in fact, for two weddings.  The stone Episcopal Church in the middle of Manitou Springs was the ideal setting.  The morning wedding consisted of a bridal party in cowboy boots carrying Sunflower bouquets while the groomsmen donned Cowboy hats and string ties.  The bride (also carrying Sunflowers) and groom for the afternoon wedding were seen riding up and down the main street in an antique fire truck, siren and all.

Turning attention to the important theme of this scene it is worth noting that the purchase of the day goes to TJ Murray.  TJ found a Native American poncho. Everyone seemed to get a kick out of TJ’s enthusiasm over his purchase.  Other purchases of interests were, of course, lots of local jewelry. Huckleberry and Prickly Pear Cactus tea were also popular. Cody Swigart sported a new hunting t-shirt that entertained the group as well.

Shortly before heading to the buses it seemed everyone had the same great idea, ice cream.  Unrehearsed and without direction, the majority of the group congregated in front of one ice cream shop.  All shapes, sizes and flavors of ice cream were enjoyed this fine afternoon.

As the shopping trip draws to an end, the happy shoppers head to the buses showing off their purchases along the way.
 Interlude two:

What do you get when you put a bus load of hungry kids in a Golden Corral equipped with an ice cream bar complete with chocolate fountain?  You get two buses loads of kids on a sugar rush that lasts for hours.  “Walt was heard over the Silver bus microphone, as we approached the 1St United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs, that we were all representing Damascus United Methodist Church and that everyone needed to calm down and act accordingly.

This Act ends with the arrival of the buses at the 1st United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs.  Soon everyone is paired up with their host and head out to another chapter in this Colorado adventure

Click here to view photos from Day 6

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